Number of animals killed in the world by the meat industry, milk and eggs, since you opened this page. This counter does not include marine animals, because these numbers are immeasurable.
Offer me an oven
You may have noticed the AdSense below. By clicking the ad, your are helping me to buy an oven, since my home in Leiden has no oven, recipes that need baking are only possible if done elsewhere. So... thank you!
Este é um e-mail de agradecimento ao meu querido amigo Zé, que me fez uma super surpresa este Natal: ofereceu-me o meu primeiro chapéu alto e chic com avental de uma verdadeira chef! Obrigada Zé! ***
And how wonderful you look, my dear Carlota!!! I really love the chic hat! Now you can be a real chef of the wonderful vegetarian nouvelle cuisine!