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sexta-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2010

Recipe nº9: Deer Steak with mushrooms and cream

***Bife de Veado com cogumelos e natas***

This recipe is dedicated to my dear friend João Teles, and affectionately called: deer steak.
The first time that Teles crossed with a seitan steak on my plate, he asked the usual question: what a f* is that !!!???
Taking advantage that by that time he didn't know how fudge I can be sometimes, I told him that it was deer. I wrapped the lie so well that he believed and even tasted it, feeling that it was real the poor little animal that was in his mouth. Poor deer that inspired the beautiful and sad story of Bambi, in the mouth of Teles...

So here's the recipe for all of you (especially for Joana):


-1 Lemon;
-3 Cloves of garlic;
-Tomato concentrate (optional);
-Salt and pepper;
-2 Bay leaves;
-Olive oil.

Method of preparation:
The Seitan, wheat gluten ( is usually seasoned before cooking to get more taste.
Thus, at least 30 minutes before starting to cook, season the seitan cut into thin steaks with 1 sliced lemon and garlic.
In a frying pan put a layer of olive oil with 2 cloves of minced garlic. Let browning and place the sliced and washed mushrooms. Let it browning and then, add the seitan and the bay leaves. Cook for + -5 minutes and add the tomato paste and cream. Let it cook for a few more minutes and it's ready.
Follow this dish with chips, for example. Bon apetit!

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Add some secret ingredients to Carlota