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domingo, 28 de março de 2010

Recipe nª38: Sopa de espinafres

Ok, esta é oficialmente das primeiras sopa que faço que é comestível e tenho a coragem de colocar aqui. Se há coisa que adoro é sopa, mas sou uma esquisita como o raio e só gosto de sopas muito simples. Consequentemente acho que todas as que faço sabem mal.
Acho que inda vivo presa à lembraça das maravilhosas sopas que comia ainda a escaldar no infantário. Ahh isso é que eram sopas!

Depois de algumas tentativas com vegetais requintados que comprei no supermercado, a que saiu melhor foi esta, que nem levou quase nada (porque já não tinha grande coisa na dispensa!).

(+-3 doses)
-2 batatas;
-1 cebola;
-1 tomate;
-3 cenouras;
-1 molho de espinafres;
-Sal, azeite e um pouco de pimenta.

Modo de confecção:
Colocar um tacho com água a ferver (fiz a medida da àgua por 3 pratos de sopa rasos).
Lavar os vegetais, cortar a casca e cortar aos cubos. Deixar cozer o tempo suficiente para as batatas estarem cozinhadas.
Com a varinha mágica tristurar tudo até que fique num pureé e levar novamente ao lume 5 minutos. Temperar a gosto com sal, 2 colheres de sopa de azeite e um pouco de pimenta.
Juntar os espinafres lavados e deixar cozinhar por mais 5 minutos e está pronto!

sexta-feira, 19 de março de 2010

Frases e ditados sobre comida

Para pensar, ou simplesmente rir.

Uma das frases mais importantes, citada por diferentes pessoas:

-"Os maus vivem para comer e beber. Enquanto isso, os bons comem e bebem para viver".Sócrates

-"É preciso comer para viver, não viver para comer". Cícero

-Coma para Viver, não viva para comer.

Todos os cogumelos são comestíveis. Alguns só uma vez.

Gastronomia é comer olhando para o céu.

Com papas e bolos se enganam os tolos.

Se não queres engordar, come e bebe devagar.

Comida gorda: testamento magro.

Não há fome sem fartura.

Quando há fome, não há pão mal feito.

De grão em grão, a galinha enche o papo.

Enquanto está por comer, chega para todos.

Indigestão é uma criação de Deus para impor uma certa moralidade ao estômago.

Chocolate é um minuto na boca e a vida inteira nos quadris.

Estômagos não deveriam ser cestas de lixo.

O melhor tempero da comida é a fome.

Um homem com fome não é um homem livre.

Fome e guerra não obedecem a qualquer lei natural, são criações humanas.

A gula começa quando deixamos de ter fome.

quarta-feira, 17 de março de 2010

Recipe nª37: Ratatouille

(2 people)
-2 mature tomatoes;
-1 eggplant (beringela);
- Tomato pulp;
-1 zucchini (courgette);
-1 Onion;
-1 Clove of garlic;
- 1/2 of red pepper;
-2 Tablespoons olive oil;
-1 Bay leaf;
-Salt, pepper, parsley, rosemary, basil.

Method of preparation:
Wash all the vegetables. Cut the peel of the zucchini and cut all vegetables into cubes.
In a pan, place olive oil, chopped onion and garlic. Leave browning and put all the vegetables. Add the tomato pulp and 1 cup of hot water and cook for 20 minutes. If necessary add more water.
Season with spices of the list.
Serve with slices of bread.

In future, I'll post the recipe that is baked in the oven.

segunda-feira, 15 de março de 2010
environmental action resulting in total health
*eating from the planet, for the planet*

* is a whole, real food way of eating which embraces the best of vegan, vegetarian and omnivorous approaches
* is food from nature, not a laboratory or factory
* comes in no, re-useable or recyclable packaging
* is seasonal local or garden food when available and preferably organically grown
* is a marriage between eating what is good for our individual body environment while being respectful to our external shared environment

Food isn't just stuff on a plate. It represents current politics, personal habit, cultural beliefs, modern technology, social traditions and religious teachings. Food is complicated and it's powerful. Our personal food choices are dwarfed by the food choices made for us by industry and government. As citizens have become more aware of the many issues surrounding food, we've begun to realize the power of the fork and how we can vote by choosing certain foods over others as a way to effect social issues and our collective health.


Recipe nº36: Vegetable Chop Suey

(1 person)
-1 Small carrot;
-1 Piece of red pepper;
-1 Small onion
-Broccoli or green beans;
-Soybean sprouts (rebentos);
-About 2 tablespoons of olive oil;
-Soya sauce, (Shōyu) (if using, do not put salt);
-Salt to taste.

Method of preparation:
Cut into thin slices (em juliana) the carrots, bamboo, red pepper, onion, broccoli and mushrooms.
Heat the olive oil in a frying wok, add the chopped ingredients and fry until it get smooth. Sprinkle with some water to help cook
Add the soy sprouts and cook for 5 minutes. Add the soy sauce, season with salt and pepper. Cook + - for 10 minutes.

Without (Shōyu)

With Shōyu

domingo, 14 de março de 2010

Recipe nº35: Fruit kebab (Espetada de fruta)

Optional: You can also do it with strawberries, melon, pineapple, watermelon, etc.

Method of preparation:
Wash and peel the fruit.Cut the fruit into cubes and put them in the chopsticks.

You can also dip the sticks in melted chocolate. I haven't done that just because I didn't have any chocolate!
Very stylish in Campton Town and nowadays you can see everywhere.

Campton Town, London

Recipe nº 34: Risotto ai funghi

(2 people)
-1 Cube of mushroom broth (1 cubo de caldo);
-100g of mushrooms (common, shiitake, shimeji)
-2 Tablespoons olive oil;
-1 Chopped onion;
-20g of butter;
-180g of rice risotto;
-Salt, parsley and coriander.

Method of preparation:
In a pan, melt the butter and place the chopped onion. Then add the parsley and coriander and let them sear for 1 minute. Add the washed and sliced mushrooms and olive oil. Let it saute for 2 minutes. Then add the risotto and stir well. Add the broth (caldo) dissolved in 2 cups of hot water. Let the rice cook 20 minutes and add water if necessary. Season with salt and stir well tom make sure that you do not let it burn!
Bon Apetit *

sábado, 13 de março de 2010

Recipe nº 33: Rice with fillet

There are several foods on sale in supermarkets of fillet, patties and breaded; all animal free. This recipe uses one of my favorite breaded, sold in a local supermarket, that I buy once in a while.

-lettuce and tomato.

Method of preparation:
Cook the rice for 8/10 min. in boiling water. Add some salt and a knob of butter (or olive oil).
Heat the fillet for 5 min in the microwave.
Serve with salad and the fillet.
Bon Apetit!

Recipe nº32: Caldeirada de tofu (Tofu stew)

-2 potatoes;
-Tomato puree (polpa de tomate);
-1 small onion;
-Parsley and coriander (coentros);
-Olive oil.

Method of preparation:
Make the usual stew with olive oil and onion, cut into strips. After browning a litle put half a cup with water and the potatoes cut into thin slices on the pan. Cook for 5 minutes and add the tomato puree, parsley, coriander, salt and tofu. Leave to cook until potatoes are ready!

quarta-feira, 10 de março de 2010

Recipe nº31: Spring Salad

-Fusili Pasta;
-Pine nut (pinhões);
-1 Clove of garlic;
-1/2 apple;
-1/2 Tomato;
-Salt and curry.

Method of preparation:
Cook the fusili into boiling water with salt for 10 minutes. Drain.
Cook the tofu in boiling water for 3 minutes.
In a nonstick frying pan, place a knob of butter, and garlic slices. Let it melt and place the tofu into cubes. Let it browning a litle and then sprinkle with curry. Let a few more minutes and remove the garlic. Then add 1 teaspoon of honey and the pine nuts.
Put the dough in a dish, the tofu and garnish with corn, apple and tomato.

sábado, 6 de março de 2010

Recipe nº30: Jardineira (Overal)

-Baby Carrots;
-Soy granules;
-2 Small potatoes;
-1 Small onion;
-1 Bay leaf;
-Olive oil;
-Salt, pepper and chilli;
-Half eggplant;
-3 Tablespoons of tomato pulp;
-1 Sausage.

Method of preparation:
In a pan, place the olive oil and chopped onion. Let them soften and put the soy and the tomato pulp.
Add half a cup of hot water and place the potatoes and eggplant cut into cubes. Them, add the peas, carrots and finally the sausages. Add more water if necessary. Season with bay leaf, salt, pepper and some chilli.
Cook until the potatoes are cooked.

sexta-feira, 5 de março de 2010

Recipe nº29: Bitoque à Portuguesa

Portuguese cuisine has a wide variety of food. Unfortunately much of it is based on meat. See
One of the most popular dishes that you can find in any restaurant, is the Portuguese Bitoque.
Here I leave the recipe, replacing of course the origin of the steak!

(1 person)
-1 steak of tofu or seitan;
-1 egg;
-2 Large potatoes for frying;
-50g of rice;
-Lettuce and tomato;
-Butter for the rice;
-1 Clove garlic, lemon, 1 bay leaf, salt and pepper;
-Olive oil and sunflower oil.

Method of preparation:
Rice: Boil the rice for 8 minutes. Season with salt and butter.
Potatoes: Cut the potatoes and fry them in hot sunflower oil.
Steak: Season the steak previously with salt, garlic and lemon juice.
In a pan, put 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 clove of garlic cut into slices and the bay leaf. Fry the steak a few minutes. Season with salt and pepper.
Egg: Fry the egg in a frying pan with oil.
Salad: Wash and cut the lettuce and the tomatoes. Season to taste.
Put it all on a plate and it's ready!

quarta-feira, 3 de março de 2010

Recipe nº28: Cheese and banana Toast

4 Units

- 8 slices of bread;
- 2 bananas;
- 1 pinch of vanilla powder;
- 1 egg;
- 1/4 cup milk;
- 1 souo spoon of sugar;
- 2 soup spoons of butter;
- 4 slices of cheese;
- Sugar and cinnamon for sprinkling.

Method of Preparation:
In a bowl, mix the egg with milk, sugar and vanilla. Beat well and set aside.
Place 4 slices of cheese on 4 slices of bread. Distribute the slices of banana. Close with remaining bread slices.
Melt the butter in a frying pan, while burning. Skip the sandwiches by mixing milk and brown on both sides in butter.

Cut each toast into 2 triangles and sprinkle with a little sugar previously mixed with cinnamon.
Bon Apetit!

Recipe nº27: Scrambled Green Beans

For 2 People

-200g of green beans;
-1 Egg;
-1 Small onion;
-Olive oil.

Method of Preparation:
In a pan make the usual stew with 1 tablespoon of olive oil with chopped onions.
When the onion get soft, add the green beans washed and cut into thin strips. Wrap well and cook, stirring constantly. Add a little water to hep them cooking. Season with salt. It will be ready when the beans get soft.
Do not cover the pan otherwise the beans will get yellow.
When they are almost ready add the beaten egg and seasoned with salt. Wrap and let them finish cooking.
Serve with carrot rice.

terça-feira, 2 de março de 2010

Missing the traditional pastry

Here's a pinch of sugar to sweeten the thoughts of all of you who are away from Portugal.

These is the pastry which I can never find any place else. They are "the ones".

What's your favourite?
Take a look to this site:
There you can find all the portuguese delicious pastry!

Tortas de azeitão, my ruin

Disco, my favourite of all

Palmier coberto

Bolo de arroz

Bola de berlim, feeling good eating on the beach!

Doces de amêndoa Algarvios

Ovos moles

Pasteis de Feijão


Recipe nº26: Hot Dog

In a fast paced world, sometimes we have to run on fast food. Here it goes:

-Kneading Bread;
-Salad and chips.
-Optional: corn, mushrooms, pickles, mustard.

Method of Preparation:
Bake the sausage in boiling water for 5 minutes or fry it.
Open the bread, put the sausage, cover with sauce and is ready to go.

Places where you can find vegetarian sausages:
In Portugal, supermarkets as Pingo Doce, Intermarche, Mini-preço.
In The Netherlands, supermarkets as Albert Heijn, Super de Boer.

Best Ads

Recipe nº25: Cheese Omelette

This is the dish that often is my only choice whenever there is a friend's dinner in a typically Portuguese restaurant.
Maybe because I'm away from home and I miss those dinners, I decided to cook it today!

-1 or 2 eggs;
-1 slice of cheese;
-2 onion rings;
-Olive oil;
-Parsley and salt.

Method of preparation:
In a nonstick-pan, place a tablespoon of olive oil.
Place the beaten egg, already with salt and the onion rings in the pan and
the slice of cheese over the layer of egg. When it get solid on the side of the pan, fold in two. Leave it cooking till it gets to your taste. Garnish with parsley.
Serve with rice and salad.
Bon Apetit!

And DON'T FORGET to check***

I wish you a sunny day!

Now that the temperatures turn back positive and the sun has came back to announce the arrival of spring season, I got a cold! Seriously!
After a few days trying to recover and only being able to eat soup, fruit and popcorn (I didn't have any taste at all), I'm becaming to feel better and I'm trying to cook again.
I have promised a special post for lentils that I haven't forgot!

And speaking of popcorn, here I leave the animation that is painted in popcorn packages, in a local cinema from here- LIDO.

The Last Supper

Kisses and Atchins *